What is Wizardry Summer Day Camp?

Wizardry Summer Day Camp, formerly located inside an educational institution in Lowry, has since moved to a new location. Just like the stairs move around the castle… sometimes the whole camp moves, too!

What activities will the students participate in while at camp?

Activities include: being sorted into houses, shopping for their wizarding supplies (and the other fun shops), creating logos for player jerseys, learning spells and dueling practices, potions, care of magical creatures, divination, defense against the dark arts, non-magic studies, wand-care, book-related challenges, team building, card trading, writing articles for the wizarding newspaper, trivia, and of course…. playing magical sports!

What book will you be focusing on this summer?

Since we have moved to a new location, this year we will be exploring Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Book 1) by JK Rowling.

Does my child need to bring anything with them to camp?

Students who have attended camp in the past, may bring any materials they previously acquired if they’d like (cloaks, wands, etc). But by no means is this required! All students will have the opportunity to “purchase” these items at wizarding shops on Monday afternoon. We do require that all students come with a snack, a lunch, a water bottle, and sunscreen. We advise that students do NOT bring anything of value to camp ( official souvenirs, cash, tablets, or electronic devices for example).

Does my child need additional money to shop at “Diagon Alley” on Monday afternoon?

No! The materials fee included in the camp registration goes toward all of these “purchases” the students make in “Diagon Alley”. Please do not send any money to camp :)

Other questions? Please contact us!